Thursday, December 20, 2012

Tummy Time Part 2

My previous post about Tummy Time should give you an idea about how well future Tummy Time episodes have gone. HumorMD Jr has continued to enjoy laying on his belly by drooling and tasting pillows. Mrs. HumorMD finally decided that she had had enough and upped the ante. We are now the proud owners of the Tummy Triangle. No pillows to lick here, which means we can finally try to focus on the task at hand.

We tried out our new contraption for the first time today. At first, he simply relaxed on it like he was tanning at the beach, which is his usual style. I decided that it was time to provide some instruction and lifted his head up so he could see himself in the mirror. This is a significant perk for HumorMD Jr as he loves to look at himself in the mirror (I know, I know. Not a good sign). Once he noticed that he could take in his own likeness, he actually did give it a little more effort! He managed to get his head up a bit for a few seconds at a time. Given our previous resounding failures, I'll take it!

Tummy Time did end in the way that it always does...crying. He finally decided he'd had enough of a workout and starting screaming. He was upset at me for a good two minutes for making him endure the torture. After giving me a look like I was the worst bully imaginable, he settled in on watching Mickey Mouse's Playhouse while sucking on his entire fist (hasn't figured out the thumb thing yet). At least he gets over things quickly. I've got a feeling that I'm going to have to be the bad guy quite a bit here so that we can get his little head under control. That's fine with me. No better time to start teaching him about hard work and never quitting. I'm sure he can draw on this when we move on to bigger and better pee peeing in the potty. Big time stuff.

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