Friday, December 21, 2012

Looking Backwards

Maybe I over think things, but its pretty interesting how HumorMD Jr likes to be carried. He enjoys taking in his surroundings, so he prefers to be held upright on your shoulder with his head looking backwards. That way, he can charm whoever is behind you while you walk around. By the way, the added bonus here is that any spit up he decides to produce ends up on the ground behind you. Sorry lady in the check out line behind me. Just keep a safe distance, and you'll make it through just fine.

On a deeper level though, this set up is interesting. As HumorMD Jr's father, I'm thinking about what's coming for him. I'm constantly planning for his future and trying to prepare him for it. I know what's coming and what he needs to do right now to be ready. In short, I'm looking foward.

On the contrary, HumorMD Jr is looking back. He's looking back at me when I'm trying to get him to do Tummy Time, making sure that I'm there. He's looking back at me when I put him on his play mat so that he knows I think it's safe. All he knows is what he has done so far in life. He has to look to me for guidance on the future because I've been there, and he hasn't.

By now, you know what's coming. This entire thing is a metaphor for our relationship with God. In short, He knows and we don't. All we have to rely on personally is our limited experience stumbling around trying to figure things out. On the contrary, He knows it all. If we'll just let Him carry us, He'll take us the right way without us even being able to see where we're going.

Show me Your ways, O Lord; teach me Your paths. Guide me in Your truth and faithfulness and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation; for You do I wait all the day long. Psalm 25:4-5

Think about that when you see a child being held looking back over his/her parent's shoulder. That's you. I know you think you're hot stuff and can handle it all like I do sometimes. The truth is you can't, and you need help. I could take this metaphor a step further and tie it in to HumorMD Jr's spit up, but I'll spare you today. Jesus always knew exactly when to end a proverb, and I'm trying to learn from the best!

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