Monday, December 17, 2012


HumorMD Jr's Christmas is quickly coming together. There are multiple challenges with buying Christmas gifts for a 12 week old. He isn't really old enough for most of the toys out there, and he can only focus on one thing at a time in thirty second increments. We have stood in several Babies-R-Us lines throughout this process, and I have noticed something new this year.

Every time we make it through the sea of people to the cash register, we are greeted with the number of batteries our purchases require before we get our total. This has a twofold effect. The first is to boost sales as I'm sure that prompts people to buy batteries on the spot. The second for me, personally, is a bit of buyer's remorse. Think about this from my perspective. I've just spent a sizable chunk of of my life savings, and now you're telling me that I have to dip into my 401k in order to pay for all the batteries to make these toys function. It's kind of like dunking in my face and then going into the stands to taunt my mother. One is a good move, but the second is just unacceptable.

To combat this retail unsportsmanlike conduct, I have concocted a holiday plan of my own. Every time I am reminded of the extra amount I need to spend on batteries by a cashier, I'm going to ask for a price check on the item requiring batteries. If feeling sufficiency irritated, I may even produce a coupon after getting that price check. Nothing slows down a check out line like the dreaded price check. If carried out to full effect, this will totally negate the sales bump the stores are getting from this battery ploy. Think about it. Can the store make any extra money on batteries while I'm price checking HumorMD's new Rocktivity table or diaper rash cream? I don't think so my friend.

Lastly and most importantly, today is HumorMD Jr's 3 month birthday! Happy Birthday buddy!

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