Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The First Golf Course Trip

This past Sunday was a big day in HumorMD Jr's little life. It was his first trip to a golf course. Incidentally, we were also attending a wedding at the time, but that's not what's really important here. The moment was totally lost on me until we were driving down the main drive to the club house, and I saw him gazing out at the driving range. I gave myself a figurative kick in the rear. What kind of dad forgets about the first time taking his son to a golf course?

Fortunately, I recovered quickly. We parked, and I immediately took him over to show him the bag drop. We then moved to the golf cart drop as I explained that you always take your clubs to your car before turning in the cart. Mrs. HumorMD was getting a bit irritated at this point because we needed to get to the reception. I relented and we went upstairs into the clubhouse.

Of course, part of the reason that I relented was that going up to the second floor of the clubhouse gave us a great view of the 10th fairway and green. I pointed out the water hazard and how to always look for your ball when it goes there because you can find tons of free golf balls there. I showed him the fairway as well, which was unnaturally green for this time of year. Last we looked at the green. Drive for show and putt for dough. The green always slopes down towards the water. Hopefully he'll remember that and putt better than his old man. Doesn't do you a bit of good to be within 10 feet of the pin and miss the putt.

This entire description of what I showed him is notable for one thing that I purposefully left out. I intentionally made no mention of the rough. I figure if I don't mention it, he'll think it doesn't exist and never wind up there. You'll think me later, little buddy, I promise.

The wedding was beautiful by the way, in case you were wondering. The ceremony was just off the tenth green under a tree in front of the aforementioned water hazard. HumorMD Jr has already figured out that set up may not be ideal. Who wants to start out your married life in the rough, right next to the water, with a tree blocking your angle to the green? I'm sure we can find some beautiful views in the fairway. Surely would be better to HumorMD Jr's eye...

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