Monday, December 10, 2012

Kicked Out of Church

A time comes when every infant has to take his or her rightful place in the nursery. HumorMD Jr experienced that this Sunday. Our church is very understanding of newborns in the service, but I don't want him sitting there grunting, crying and generally distracting everyone else. He started whimpering after the opening hymn, and I made the decision to semi-gracefully exit after communion.

I say only semi-gracefully because he had already starting crying and it was during the middle of the prayer. My mother-in-law had been holding him during all of this. A family friend leaned forward and said rather loudly that she must not be doing it right. As hilarious as that was, it just meant I had to make an even hastier exit than planned so I didn't laugh out loud. I got a lot of of one eyed looks from adults with their heads bowed on the way out. If you're one of those one eyed adults reading this, yes I saw you open your eye (singular of course). God saw it too. You do with that what you will.

As it turns out, HumorMD Jr is a big fan of the nursery. I took him in there, sat down in a rocking chair, and he passed out immediately. There were some little boys building block towers and then loudly destroying them, but that never phased him. We remained in that chair for the duration of the service. It was probably his favorite trip to church to date.

Although little man didn't check out his surroundings much, I'm sure he's going to like it in there. There's everything a little boy could want: nice people, blocks, trains, and Mr. Potato Head. I watched the block destroyers put Mr. Potato Head's arms on backwards for about 10 minutes before I helped them out. Then I taught them the word double jointed before leaving. Nothing like a little medical education to close out a landmark Sunday. We're looking forward to next week!

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