Wednesday, December 19, 2012


You already heard about HumorMD Jr's first outing to a golf course yesterday. The wedding going on was a secondary event as well. Another reason for me wanting to focus HumorMD Jr on the golf course was that the noise quite simply was too much for him. We've noticed that HumorMD Jr is not big on interacting with more than about two people at a time. Needless to say, a wedding of 100 people is way above his personal limit.

This wasn't his first outing into a big crowd. We've been to several other birthday parties, church events, etc where he has displayed his displeasure at being social. Humor MD Jr has an odd method for rebelling though. Most kids would scream or cry. Not HumorMD Jr. He figures if we're trying to force him to be social than he will do the most anti-social thing possible...sleep. That's right. Little man passes right out in big crowds.

Sure, he's faking it sometimes. Most of the time though, he's honest to goodness asleep. Actually, he's probably a great indicator of how good a party you've got. Here's a little scale for you:

Zoned Out-Senior Citizens Playing Bingo
Heavy Eyed-Kid's Birthday party
Faking Sleep-Decent party with DJ or live music
Asleep-Floor Thumping Good Time
REM Sleep-Rave

If you remember from my previous post about using babies to invite people to weddings, HumorMD Jr is building quite the entertainment franchise. I'm trying to get him to diversify to TV, but he's just not ready for that yet. Don't want to rush greatness.

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