Monday, January 14, 2013

Relative Rejection

We’re going to start out this week by saying HumorMD Jr has developed a bit of a problem. Both Mrs HumorMD and I have had crazy schedules here recently. That means he has staying with his grandparents and other family members quite a bit. We’ve noticed an interesting phenomenon whenever I, in particular, show up after a long day at work. HumorMD Jr is happy to see me of course, but he may actually be a bit too happy.
What do I mean by this? Well, I mean that he ignores everyone else once I show up. After I pick him up, he will actually refuse to look at or even acknowledge anyone else. I watched as his grandmother tried to take his hand (same one that had been keeping him all day), and he actually jerked his hand away and looked the other way. Needless to say, this did not go over well.
I’ve tried to explain to little man that he needs to keep up appearances better than that. Never a smart plan to be rude to the person that is taking care of you a lot. He doesn’t understand any of this, as you might expect. I expect this behavior will likely continue as long as he is unable to understand me telling him that it’s a bad idea.
I was hopeful at first that it may just be a function of me being away a lot. My day off this weekend confirmed that it wasn’t though because he continued to do it to other people. What can I say? People skills aren’t high up on his list of good qualities yet. We’ll have to work on that. Can’t take over the world without being able to get along with others, much less get past smaller hurdles like preschool and kindergarten that will be here in a few years. Don’t want my kid to be the one hoarding all the toys in his desk and refusing to share. Bad for his street cred.

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