Wednesday, January 16, 2013


There is much relief in the HumorMD household today. You'll recall our previous massive failure with rice cereal, which we can barely talk about in public. Little man had been acting pretty hungry lately in spite of his usual bottle. Thus, we decided that another foray into the world of solid food was in order. We bought both rice cereal with apple and oatmeal and hoped for the best.

I'll admit that I was nervous after the first spoonful. He scrunched his face up a bit, and I was sure a cry was coming next. To his parent's mutual relief, a scream of happiness was what came out. Yes, you read that right. HumorMD Jr loves oatmeal. He has been gobbling it up each evening for the past two days. We figure we'll keep it going for this week and then give the rice cereal with apple a shot next week.

This is not to say that the process is perfect yet. Little buddy still hasn't quite figured out eating out of  spoon yet. He still tried to use his tongue occasionally to lap it up like a dog, but he is steadily getting better at it. Mrs. HumorMD also has the foresight to break out his bib that can catch all that he allows to escape his mouth. It has been a lifesaver because I'm pretty sure I'd be cleaning the floor after every feed without it. Kudos to whoever made a bib with a pouch on the bottom. Pure genius.

We were hoping that this newfound love of oatmeal would lead to less bottle time. No dice on that of course. HumorMD Jr slams a bowl of oatmeal and then knocks back his bottle without taking a breath in between. The kid can really eat! We always feel a bit guilty when we introduce a new food or go up on his feeds. He gets really happy right afterwards, and we think we must have been starving him. His weight suggests otherwise of course. He is by no means malnourished, and we'll let you know when he joins the baby Weight Watchers program. Can't let the doctor's son be obese. Bad for business, you know.

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