Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Operation Sleep Alone: Accomplished

What can I say? HumorMD Jr did exactly what I thought he'd do. He slept alone in his room for the first time two nights ago, and he slept the entire night without any problem! Little buddy is just a flat out All-Star. He did all of this despite his dear ole' Dad's incompetence as well. I forgot about removing the bumpers until after I laid him down of course. So I had to untie all of them while doing everything possible to not wake him up. Fortunately, he sleeps just as soundly as I do!

Speaking of ways that he's similar to me, it turns out that little buddy is also just as active in his sleep as I am. As a child, I was infamous for banging my head on my pillow while I slept. HumorMD Jr hasn't done that, but he bangs just about every other body part. He's already scared his grandparents while sleeping because they thought he might be having seizure-like activity. Nope, that's just the way he rolls.

We'll see if he can live up to my previously set standard for sleep movements. My pinnacle as a child came when I was able to physically move the crib across the room while I slept. Little buddy can turn himself completely around while sleeping, but he has a long way to go before he accomplishes crib locomotion. I'll keep you posted on his progress. The odds are there will be some pretty interesting things to report. Should we even talk about my sleepwalking as a young child? Sorry little buddy. You're going to have to put in some serious work to overcome some of the wacky things I've handed down to you.

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