Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Some people have trouble with heights and flying in airplanes. HumorMD Jr won’t be one of them. He now has good enough control of his head that I can lift him up above my head. We’re not to throwing him in the air, of course, but he really loves to be up high and look around the room. He’ll break out the big smile whenever he is eye level with the light fixture.
Even better is our airplane game that we play. Essentially I move him around the air making airplane noises. Let me tell you. He LOVES it. This is by far the most I’ve seen him enjoy something. To make it even better, he actually laughs now when I do it. It’s a legit laugh too, not just the little baby yelp.
I have to say that nothing warms his dear old dad’s heart more than to hear him laugh. We do the airplane multiple times per day just so I can hear him enjoy it. Never quite heard a sound that affected me as much as that. I told him to just wait until I can throw him the air or get him on his first roller coaster. He’s going to love it.
Can’t help but point out the spiritual implication here as well. No one wants little man to laugh and be happy more than me. I would give my right arm to hear him laugh like that all the time. Even better, I know that there are much better things coming that will make him laugh ten times more than he is now. He doesn’t know this though. As far as he knows, the airplane game is the pinnacle of human experience. It’s my job to teach him that there are even greater things than that.
What are you holding on to in exchange for what God could be giving you? There’s a lot better stuff out there than whatever you can come up with. Give up your petty things and small dreams. God has bigger things to give you than the airplane game.

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