Thursday, January 3, 2013

HumorMD Jr's First Girlfriend

Little man might get really mad at me if he discovers this post later in life, but that's OK. Besides new foods, illnesses, and the occasional self induced vomiting, Christmas brought something else new for HumorMD Jr. For the first time in his short life, he showed interest in girls. For those that know him personally, this might come as a shock because he is surrounded by women most of the time. These women are usually his family though, which obviously makes them ineligible.

This newfound discovery started when we were opening gifts with my wife's family. HumorMD Jr has three girl cousins that were with us. The youngest opened a blonde haired doll that seemed to be a real hit. As a joke, we put it up to HumorMD Jr for his personal inspection. Wouldn't you believe that the little guy went nuts?! He laughed and smiled, and I could practically see the gleam in his eye.

We've seen him smile over toys before, but this was a completely different look. HumorMD Jr has been around other kids his age before, and he seems to take to them pretty well. The doll is about the same size as him, so our working theory is that he thought it was a little girl about his age. Regardless of what he thought it was, it was pretty hilarious. I didn't think I was going to have to break out the talks on dating so soon, but I can't let little man go into the love scene blind. We have to set some standards and boundaries quick. I don't want my future daughter-in-law to only say a few phrases every time you pull a string on her back. That's just low class.

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