Monday, November 19, 2012


HumorMD Jr. experienced a rite of passage last week. He had his two month well check and had to get several vaccinations. Despite his excitement at advancing one step closer to being tetanus and hepatitis free, all of the needles were a bit traumatic for him. To his credit, he took it all like a champ. I was unable to attend because of work (so disappointed…right) but I heard that he only cried for about 30 seconds. What can you say? No health maintenance recommendation can contain him.

For all of you that have advanced beyond your childhood vaccination series, remember that your battle with needles really is never complete. As a primary care provider, I find that there a lot of times when I’m unable to fully address health maintenance with my patients because I am using so much time to address their current health issues. Give your doctor, and more importantly yourself, a hand and ask them to see what vaccinations you may need.

As I mentioned in my recent pneumonia article on Yahoo, the CDC has a great website that will tell you what vaccinations you should be getting. Use it to your benefit. Even if you cry more than HumorMD Jr. when you see needles, it’s time to suck it up and get it over with. If I make a baby as cute as my own son get shots, well then you don’t stand a chance.

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