Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Infant Hypnosis

The humbling part about medicine is that you usually learn something new every day. New treatments come out nearly every day, and this makes the prospect of keeping up with the times fairly difficult. The current rage of complementary and alternative therapies makes this even more difficult. HumorMD Jr has taken my education to a whole new level, as he always does. I have heard of people getting hypnotized at the fair for fun or even doing it to treat depression and chronic pain. Unbeknownst to me however, hypnosis occurs every day with kids across our great nation. Ladies and gentleman, I give you…the Seahorse.
This is another Mrs. HumorMD discovery in our house. She had seen multiple kids with the Seahorse that loved it and thought we should give it a try. Well my friends, it is pure gold. It isn’t fancy. You press on the belly and music plays while it lights up. I’ve never seen the type of reaction it can generate. My son could be screaming at the top of his lungs. Push the Seahorse’s belly and his fists stop in mid swing when he hears the music. He’ll turn to look at it and will just stare for the duration of the song. As soon as it cuts off, its back to hysteria.
I will admit that it almost made me unconfortable at first. What kind of demon spell is this thing casting on my kid to put him in an other worldly trance? I still haven’t arrived at the answer, but I can tell you that divine is probably a better word than demonic now. It’s amazing how a little experience will change your perspective, right?
Henceforth, we have incorporated the seahorse into our daily routine. Feed him some baby crack (aka milk, see earlier article), put him in the crib around 10, and turn on the Seahorse. It’s like baby Ambien without the nasty morning after grogginess. I highly recommend it to all parents. Just try not to freak out about the transfixed look in your baby’s eyes. It will pass, and the usual chaos will soon commence.
*This isn’t a paid promotion…unfortunately. But, I am open to proposals!*

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