Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day

It’s election day here in the good ole’ USA. You are hearing the get
out and vote pleas from everyone on your Facebook wall, so I won’t
hound you on here as well. One thing I have noticed with Facebook is
that it seems the trendy rhetorical device is to simply type your
opinion in all caps as a means of justifying it. Had no idea that
merely increasing your font size was a way of implying sound logic.
Regardless, I enjoy seeing everyone involved. There seem to be two
distinct camps that I have noticed so far.

The first are the people that are pretending like they don’t care who
you vote for. You see the pictures of “I voted” stickers, etc. but no
candidate mentioned. These people will not post who they voted for if
their lives depended on it. They may drop hints that are so obvious a
blind man could read it, but they won’t come out with it. This could
be because they have had a bad experience doing so before, or they
think this should be a “personal” decision. If I had time, I would go
around writing statements underneath their posts trying to bait them
into tipping their hand. It would be fun to see just how far they will
go to not really give their opinion.

The second camp are those that tell you who they vote for in a
heartbeat. They are passing out stickers underneath public restroom
stalls because they have realized there is no more captive audience
than a person on a commode. These are the people that get defriended a
lot during election season. Nothing personal usually. Some people just
like to have a little variety on their newsfeed other than politics.

Personally, I usually fall into the first camp. I think this has been
somewhat of a mistake. I do not advocate repeatedly campaigning for a
candidate on your friend’s Facebook walls. However, social media was
created so that we can connect better…so let’s connect. I would tell
you who I voted for, but I vastly misjudged the wait time at my local
precinct this morning and had to leave the line after waiting an hour
and a half. Don’t worry all of you democratic attack dogs, I am going
back after work. When I do, I’ll be casting my vote for Mr. Romney.
Feels good to say it out loud. Honesty really is a great thing, except
when you’re too honest of course…topic for another day. Enjoy the day
everyone, and try to get enough sleep so that you’re not worthless
tomorrow. Your boss doesn’t care who the President is!

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