Thursday, November 22, 2012

Gobble! Gobble!

Short post today as all of you should be spending time with family and friends! Many things to be thankful this year including a great wife, great family, great friends, employment, and of course,  HumorMD Jr. The little man obviously won’t really know today is different than other days as there is no such thing as turkey flavored formula. He’ll be happy to see his grandparents though, especially the ones that live in a box. Hope all of you enjoy the day and no one gets killed on Black Friday. You can avoid the risk of injury or death by shopping in the HumorMD Amazon store at home in your PJ's. That camping out at Best Buy thing is for the birds anyway.
P.S. For those of you with heart failure or other conditions that require you to watch your sodium intake, I don’t want to see you at the hospital on Monday. Take it easy, OK?

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