Tuesday, October 23, 2012

What is Life About?

Ever sat at your desk at work or lay in bed at night wondering what you're doing? I don't mean literally of course. I'm talking about the grand scheme. What am I doing with my life? Will all of this effort I put forth every day matter? Some of the answers you arrive at during these sessions can be pretty disquieting. No one likes to think that their life will one day be forgotten, obsolete, or both.

I've had a lot of these moments at work. Part of being a medical resident is taking call, meaning I spend the night in the hospital taking care of patients. Any of my colleagues that know me, know that I hate night float (rotation where you work nights for the entire month). It isn't the sleep deprivation or being nocturnal for an entire month, though I don't really like that part much. It's the 3AM calls about dying patients that leave me standing outside a room by myself watching something unfold that I know I can't stop. I put on a good face for all, but there have been way too many times when I go back to my call room and stare at the ceiling. What am I doing here? Is this worth it?

Though I may still have my bad moments, I am fortunate blessed to have an answer to the purpose of life deal. I didn't come up with it, and it isn't anything original. It has nothing to do with me or any of my own talents (thank goodness). To quote Mark Driscoll, I'm just "a nobody trying to tell everybody about Somebody." Jesus said in Luke 19:10, "For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost." Don't know about you, but lost is exactly what I am without Him. That's my deal. That's what I'm about. I've stared at the ceiling wondering how much my personal efforts will matter when it's all said and done. The answer without Jesus wasn't very pretty.

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